Southeastern Regional Correctional Centre in so-called New Brunswick has just placed Germain “Junior” Breau, 22, into solitary confinement. This is part of the ongoing mistreatment of Indigenous peoples inside of the Prison Injustice System, and a slap in the face to Land Defenders and Warriors standing up for the peoples against fracking. Germain was arrested on the violent raid by RCMP on Oct. 17th, has been held in detention without trial ever since. The RCMP continues to enforce the violation of treaties and the colonial courts continue to abuse the Indigenous peoples of these territories who defend the water and the land. Contact the Superintendent Jonah Brian to demand Germain’s release from solitary.

“ Our warriors are still being mistreated in the system, JUSTICE for our political prisoners of war.” Suzanne Patles, member of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society

CALL SUPERINTENDENT JONAH BRIAN – Demand Germaine Jr Breau is released from solitary confinement! (506) 532-7885

Also contact:

New Brunswick Premier, David Alward: 506 453 2144


  • Mi’kmaq Warrior Germain Jr Breau released from solitary confinement
  • Mi’kmaq inherent and treaty rights and title be respected by the Province
  • A complete moratorium on shale gas exploration

Federal Minister of Justice, Peter McKay: 613 992 6022


  • Germain “Junior” Breau, Mi’kmaq Warrior be released from solitary confinement
  • End the use of solitary confinement in Correctional facilities
  • End systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples in the Prison Injustice System

Support Legal Fees


  1. Pingback: END MI’KMAQ WARRIORS’ SOLITARY CONFINEMENT | Warrior Publications

  2. Pingback: End Mi’kmaq Warrior’s Solitary Confinement | Earth First! Newswire

  3. Pingback: End the Solitary Confinement of Mi’kmaq Warriors! | Onkwehón:we Rising

  4. To Whom It May Concern,

    I do not know what this world will look like in 1 short year let alone ten or 20. However when this young man Germain Junior Breau defended water and land against fracking, he did so because his convictions are his way of life and culture. Oddly enough, his actions indirectly included you and the families of the oil companies, machinery factories, prison employed, and the keepers of government blundering laws. How is this? When or if you were to ever decide to visit any of the people from this territory, there would be a source of fresh clean water to quinch your thirst… available for you or any of your sheeple. In better times and not with so much conflict, misunderstandings and blatant disregard for life, with blinders on, your job – your life is less important as you are standing on the wrong side of this issue: fracking. How long is your way of life sustainable Mr. Brian? How long can you maintain this job, your health or your children’s life without water? Everyone has a right to water as it is a life support resource. We all need it. This young man certainly was not standing for you directly but you, Mr. Brian, benefitted from his decision to defend land and water.

    Do you think that keeping this young man in solitary confinement will instill fear? The results of his solitary confinement is provoking upset and concern, it does not create fear. Your attempt at best is a poor attempt to scare people from standing for what they believe in. You have orders, yes. However
    the solitary confinement must cease and desist, the world is watching and your behavior is inhumane and criminal. Please release the land and water defenders. The Mi’Kmaq people need you to make room in your prisons for the ones who have assaulted our Earth Mother. You have a prison cell for the true criminals and for justice to be served. Make room, please, the day will come when the abusers and rapists of Earth Mother will be arrested and charged…

    Have you had a tall cool refreshing glass of water today? I highly recommend it.

    Sooner is better than later,
    Lydia Ponce
    Venice Beach, Calif.

  5. Pingback: Reclaim Turtle Island: Support Indigenous-led media and resistance | Climate Connections

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