Anishinabe Women Protest Energy East Pipeline on Family Day


famdaynish2‘Protect the Water, For Future Generations’

Kenora—Dozens of Anishinabe Women, their families, and supporters converge today on Market Square at noon to deliver a message against the proposed Energy East Pipeline that will deliver tarsands oil right through the City and through all of Treaty 3 (and other First Nations) Territory.

Monday’s Family Day demonstration, with a focus on protecting the water for future generations, is intended to be highly visible—with drumming, singing, placards and speeches—and to inform and engage the local public about the immense threats posed by the likelihood of oil spills to local water sources, ecosystems, animal habitat, and human health, as well as broader environmental impacts from proposed tarsands expansion.

Fawn Wapioke is Chief of Shoal Lake #39. She says, “I am deeply concerned about the pipeline and believe that our responsibility is to the land, the water, and future of our People. Our responsibility is upholding the law of the land to ensure survival of our Mother Earth.”

TransCanada, speaking to the possibility of a major oil spill in the area, has said that it would take a minimum 22 minutes to shut down the Energy East pipeline in case of a leak. Any spill from the pipeline  could allow as much as 2.7 million litres of oil to spill in that time. famdaynish1

It wouldn’t be the first major industrial spill in the region.

“Being from Grassy Narrows, I know firsthand how damage to the water can poison our families and our kids, not just now, but in the future, too,” said Corrisa Swain, a Youth from Grassy Narrows where families continue to watch newborn children exhibit the brutal symptoms of mercury poisoning, a Dryden pulp and paper mill having dumped over 9000 kgs of Mercury into the English and Wabigoon River System over 40 years ago. “We know from our own experience how these kinds of projects can have terrible impacts on future generations and how unlikely it is that government or companies will ever clean up afterwards,” says Swain.

The environmental impacts from the Energy East Pipeline also extend far beyond the local effects on the Winnipeg River, Lake of the Woods and local ecosystems.

“The project is a climate nightmare, demanding as much as a 40% expansion of tarsands extraction, releasing millions of tonnes more carbon pollution, just when we’ve been told that 75% of tarsands oil needs to stay in the ground to avoid catastrophic climate impacts in the next century,” said Teika Newton, a representative of Kenora Transitions Initiative (TIK), a Kenora-based environmental advocacy group. “There is also the reality that tarsands extraction, like pipeline spills, have terrible impacts on downstream communities across the continent,” Newton says.

Trancanada’s new pipeline project has already been opposed across the entirety of its route, from local tarsands impacted communities to the Mohawk community of Kanesatake and Mi’qmak communities on the East Coast. In Treaty 3 Territory, Grand Chief Warren White has already clearly stated that the pipeline will not carry tarsands oil across the territory without express consent from affected First Nations. Local grassroots communities have echoed those sentiments.

“The Energy East Pipeline is going to affect us all, we together as Peoples need to prevent this project. For the sake of the water, wildlife, and land,” says Alicia Kejick, a Youth from Shoal Lake #39. “For our Peoples and future grandchildren,” Kejick says, “it is momentous that we protect what is ours to begin with. We will be out on Family Day, not just to raise awareness, but to speak for those who can’t.”


Support Grassy Narrows – No Mercury No Logging

Ontario is set to approve plans for another decade of clearcut logging in Grassy Narrows against their will.

Please speak out against this terrible plan before the decision on Dec. 23.

We have a short time window this week to influence this decision before Ontario’s position becomes fully entrenched and the conflict becomes more difficult to resolve. This effort is in support of and an action alongisde an 11 yr blockade in Grassy Narrows territory against clearcuts.
Peer reviewed science has found that clearcut logging in the boreal forest raises mercury levels in local fish above the safe limit for human consumption.  New logging will prolong and exacerbate the tragedy of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows – a tragedy that was first seared into the national consciousness in the 1970’s.
Please consider taking the following actions:
1.  Email the decision makers here
2.  Forward this email to your lists, friends, family, and colleagues.
3.  Post about this on facebook, twitter, and other social media.
4.  Change your facebook cover and image to one of the images at the bottom of this page.
5.  Prepare to take further action if this decision goes the wrong way.
Thanks for your ongoing support for Grassy Narrows.
For more information go to

Emergency Day of Action – Solidarity for #Elsipogtog


A message from the HWY 11 Land Defenders:

“We are not giving up despite these harsh weather conditions, sacrificing time with our families, our jobs, our homes, not only to protect land, water and people but to ensure a brighter future for the next 7 generations. We are asking for more support, through road blocks to be in solidarity. This is not just an Elsipogtog issue, this is a global issue and we need to raise awareness. Show us support any way possible, sending thank you’s, road blocks, banners, even dropping by, all and every type of support is appreciated.”

ElsipogtogThe 3rd encampment in Mi’kmaq Territory, at HWY 11, which saw stand off’s between the Mi’kmaq peoples protecting the water and RCMP protecting corporate interests, is requesting widespread global support.

The Provincial Court of New Brunswick has approved an injunction which names 5 people, including “Jane” and “John Doe”, to target the HWY 11 encampment. This encampment has successfully turned away SWN vehicles and is preventing SWN from conducting seismic testing on unceded Mi’kmaq lands. Each day that SWN cannot conduct its testing, it costs the company $54, 000. SWN is once again looking to the RCMP to enforce the injunction most recently granted. At this time, the RCMP have used the injunction to target the Mi’kmaq and have set up a “check point” on HWY 11, where the RCMP stop vehicles to arrest passengers and drivers at their whim.

We remember the last time the RCMP enforced an injunction against the Mi’kmaq people. As seen historically, the RCMP will continue to enforce the violation of treaties and attack Indigenous self-determination. At this time, the RCMP are not only harassing Mi’kmaq Land Defenders and non-Native supporters, but continuing to throw them in jail. On Thursday, November 28th the Mi’kmaq again turned SWN away – declaring another day of victory. They are standing up against brutal police repression, and continued theft of Indigenous lands and ongoing colonization. Show them they are not alone!
On Monday Dec. 2nd HWY 11 Land Defenders are asking you to show your solidarity by taking action in your community. Where possible, highway shutdowns are encouraged however any action of support, such as banner drops, are welcome. #ShutDownCanada


Día de Acción de Emergencia – Solidaridad con #Elsipogtog

Un mensaje de los Defensores de la Tierra en la Autopista 11:

“No estamos cediendo a pesar del duro estado de tiempo, sacrificando pasar tiempo con nuestras familias, nuestros trabajos, nuestras casas, no sólo para proteger la tierra, el agua, y el pueblo, sino para asegurar un futuro más prometedor para las próximas siete generaciones. Estamos pidiendo más apoyo por los bloqueos de carretera para estar en solidaridad. Este asunto no es sólo de Elsipogtog, es un asunto mundial y necesitamos concientizar al mundo de esto. Demuestren su apoyo con nosotros de cualquiera manera posible, mandar agradecimientos, bloqueos de carretera, pancartas, incluso visitarnos, todo tipo de apoyo estará agradecido.”

El tercer campamento en el Territorio de los Mi’kmaq, en la Autopista 11, donde ha ocurrido los enfrentamientos entre el pueblo Mi’kmaq protegiendo el agua y el RCMP (Policía Montado Canadiense Real) protegiendo los intereses de las corporaciones, está pidiendo el apoyo mundial a nivel general.

El Tribunal Provincial de New Brunswick ha aprobado un mandamiento judicial que nombra 5 personas, incluso “Jane” y “John Doe”, para fijar como objetivo al campamento de la Autopista 11. El campamento ha bloqueado con éxito el paso de los vehículos de SWN y está impidiendo la conducta de pruebas sísmicas por SWN en las tierras no cedidas de los Mi’kmaq. Cada día en que SWN no puede conducir sus pruebas, la compañía pierde $540,000. SWN está pidiendo de nuevo a el RCMP que haga cumplir el mandamiento más reciente cedido por el Tribunal. A esta hora, el RCMP ha utilizado el mandamiento para fijar los Mi’kmaq como objetivo y ha establecido un punto de control en la Autopista 11, donde los RCMP pueden parar los vehículos y detener a los conductores y pasajeros cuando quieran.

Recordamos la última vez en que el RCMP hizo cumplir un mandamiento contra el pueblo Mi’kmaq. Como hemos visto históricamente, el RCMP continuará imponiendo la violación de los tratados y atacando la autodeterminación Indígena. A esta hora, los RCMP no sólo están hostilizando los Mi’kmaq Defensores de la Tierra y los aliados no Indígenas, sino están siguiendo encarcelarlos. El jueves, 28 de noviembre los Mi’kmaq bloquearon el paso de SWN otra vez – declarando un día más de victoria. Se están levantando contra la represión brutal de la policía, y el robo de tierras Indígenas y la colonización que siguen en desarrollo. ¡Demuestren a ellos que no están solos!

El lunes, 2 de diciembre, los Defensores de la Tierra de la Autopista 11 piden que ustedes demuestren su solidaridad a fuerza de actuar en su comunidad. Donde sea posible, animamos los cierres de autopistas; sin embargo, cualquiera acción de apoyo, como dejar caer una pancarta, nos alegraría. #ShutDownCanada



Urgence : Journée d’action- Solidarité avec #Elsipogtog

Un message des résistant-e-s de HWY 11 :

« Nous n’abdiquons pas en dépit des conditions météos difficiles, du temps sacrifié loin de nos familles, de nos jobs et de nos maisons, pas seulement pour protéger la terre, l’eau et les gens mais aussi pour garantir un meilleur avenir pour les 7 prochaines générations. Nous demandons plus de support, plus de blocages en solidarité. Ceci ne concerne pas qu’Elsipogtog, c’est un enjeu global : nous devons éveiller les consciences. Démontrez nous votre support de toutes les façons possibles, envoyez nous des messages, bloquez des routes, déployez des bannières, venez même nous voir, n’importe quel type de support est apprécié. »

Le troisième campement en territoire Mi’kmaq, à HWY 11, lequel a vu les confrontations entre les Mi’kmaq qui protègent leur eau et la Gendarmerie Royale Canadienne (GRC) qui protège les intérêts corporatifs demande un support répandu et global.

La cour provinciale du Nouveau Brunswick a approuvé une injonction qui identifie 5 personnes, incluant “Jane” et “John Doe”, afin de cibler le campement HWY 11. Ce campement a repoussé avec succès les véhicules de SWN et a empêché la compagnie de réaliser les tests sismiques sur des terres Mi’kmaq non-cédées. Chaque jour que SWN n’arrive pas à faire ses tests, la compagnie perd 54 000$. SWN essaie encore une fois de forcer l’injonction qui lui a été accordé. À tout moment, la GRC a utilisé l’injonction pour cibler les Mi’kmaq et ont mis en place un point de contrôle sur HWY 11, où ils arrêtent les véhicules, passagers et conducteurs.

Rappelons-nous de la dernière fois que la GRC a fait appliquer une injonction contre le peuple Mi’kmaq. Comme le montre l’histoire, la GRC va continuer d’assurer la violation des traités et d’attaquer les droits d’autodétermination des autochtones. En ce moment, la GRC ne fait pas qu’harceler les résistant-e-s Mi’kmaq et leurs supporteurs non-autochtones, mais continue à les jeter en prison. Le jeudi 28 novembre, les Mi’kmaq ont encore une fois repoussé SWN, déclarant un autre jour victorieux. Ils sont en train de confronter la brutalité de la part de la police, et continue a voler les terres des pays autochtones et continuent le processus de colonization. Montrons leurs qu’ elles-ils ne sont pas seul-e-s!

Ce lundi 2 décembre, les résistant-e-s de HWY 11 vous demandent de démontrer votre solidarité en agissant dans vos communautés. Là où possible, nous encourageons à bloquer les autoroutes. Tous les types d’action sont bienvenues. #ShutDownCanada


Exclusive Video Report on Mi’kmaq Blockade Raided by RCMP

Elsipogtog, Mikmaqi – Exclusive footage of the RCMP raids against the HWY 134 Blockade in Mi’kmaq territory has just been released. With some of the only video from behind police lines, witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking equipment.

subMedia’s Franklin López was on the scene from the get-go, “The RCMP tried to kicked me out of the conflict zone and threatened me with arrest to try to obscure the truth about what was going down. Media and other witnesses could have changed the narrative the cops were trying to build.”

For over 19 days, a Sacred Fire was lit at the mouth of the SWN, Southwestern Energy Resources, compound where the company’s seismic testing, or “thumper” trucks were held. SWN is a Houston-based corporation part of the resource extraction industry, specifically involved in the practice known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. The Sacred Fire was the main heart of the physical blockade. Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik, and Acadian and other Maritime settlers came together in a Unity Camp to support the assertion of Indigenous sovereignty and to protect the lands, waters and future generations.

The blockade cost SWN over $60, 000 per day. As the company’s trucks were on lockdown they criticized the RCMP for not arresting protestors. On the morning of Oct 17th, the RCMP violently raided the encampment, which was a widely supported grassroots mobilization, in particular targeting the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society. Given the context of RCMP arresting Ilnu youth, and women – including women laying down tobacco and women who are 9 months pregnant – it is little surprise that the RCMP acted with nothing colonial violence on Thursday. The unwavering support and presence of the Mi’kmaq Warrior Society was crucial to maintaining the blockade. It is no accident that the Kanadian state and its law enforcers in collusion with corporate interests, targeted the Warriors in hopes of weakening resistance.

Corporate media has painted this raid with Indian Act Heroes, and Land Defenders as criminals. A violent paramilitary attack on behalf of the RCMP was met with grassroots, Indigenous resistance as Warriors stood their ground and fought back. The fierce response of the community in defense of the Warriors was also captured on camera, as supporters broke police lines later that morning. brings out the real story about what really went down on Highway 134; a story that the corporate media doesn’t want seen.