NS Energy Minister Shut Down by Mi’kmaq Women: Demand Treaties Upheld [VIDEO]


(MI’KMAQ’I, HALIFAX, Monday March 31st, 2014, Maritimes Energy Association Briefing) — Several Mi’kmaq women shut down a Maritimes Energy Association briefing held at the Westin Nova Scotian this morning around 8am, supported by a rally of over a hundred protesters. The NS Energy Minister intended to give a briefing on the Province’s plan to move forward on oil and gas projects to members of industry. Two banners were dropped from the hotel roof declaring Water Is Sacred and Stop the Energy East (pipeline), and an imitation frack­well was erected to show opposition to the controversial shale­gas exploration process.

Eliza Knockwood, a Mi’kmaq woman and mother, silenced the crowded room of government officials and industry representatives with her drum to send the message that water is sacred. “Although the language of the Treaties do not capture the true beauty and spirit of my ancestors, it does show us what is important to them and how they lived in harmony with the natural environment.”

When Eliza attempted to speak to the room the host of the event aggressively demanded her silence. The host even went so far as to physically touch Eliza and attempted to grab her drum. The youth who were gathered outside simultaneously entered the hotel lobby in a show of support. Police quickly grabbed one young man, dragged him into the parking lot and placed him under arrest while several cameras recorded the incident.

“Only the Mi’kmaq people have clear title to Mi’kmaq’i.” states Elizabeth Marshall, a Mi’kmaq grandmother from the community of Eskasoni. “Any discussion regarding use of our lands without free, prior and informed consent is illegal, unconstitutional and against the spirit and intent of Treaty.”

The Mi’kmaq peoples have been very active in protecting their lands and waters against harmful extraction processes such as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and seek to continue mobilization against further developments on their territories. “We have a covenant with the Creator to protect the sacred and we take that responsibility very seriously.” says Marshall, and states she has been informed by Elders in her community to tell the Minister that the Mi’kmaq Nation does not accept the TransCanada Energy East pipeline into their territories.

Phil Fontaine, New Brunswick Power Authority board member and TransCanada consultant, was informed he is not welcome in the territory of the Mi’kmaq people. “He is not welcome here, and that snake that he is trying to bring into our territories is not welcome here either.”, asserts Marshall. Fontaine is an advocate for the Energy East pipeline project, a 4200 km pipeline intended to put countless rivers, lakes and lands at risk of contamination by expanding the Athabasca tar sands.

The disruption, which shut down the breakfast briefing, was supported by students, youth and environmental justice organizers from across Canada. “Projects like the tar sands and the Energy East pipeline are driving climate change and devastating communities,” said Robin Tress, an organizer with PowerShift Atlantic ­ a youth climate justice summit that brought hundreds of young people to Halifax over the weekend. “We’re taking action today to show that we’re ready to stand with Indigenous communities on the frontlines of the struggle against affronts to their sovereignty and destruction of the environment.”

Fontaine has also been banned from Lakota territory for the same reason, as his appearances continue to be disrupted by Indigenous women speaking for the water, including recently in Winnipeg. Some communities have published WANTED posters to highlight their distrust for Fontaine and opposition to the tar sands mining project itself. This action supported by Idle No More.



For Pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/powershiftcanada/sets/72157643209135685/

Take Action Against Line 9 – Solidarity Against Enbridge


Without surprise, the National Energy Board has approved the reversal of the Line 9 pipeline. This pipeline crosses every single tributary that flows into Lake Ontario, and cuts up the north shore of the St. Lawrence river….

It was anticipated that this information be released on March. 19th. Instead the rubber-stamping came early.


Indigenous peoples whose territories are being attacked by this project have been silenced throughout this process. It is our communities, and other communities of colour, who primarily live fenceline with the tar sands, its mining, infrastructure and refineries. It is our Sacred sites that are being desecrated by the shady movements of corporate imperialists and colonial-capitalists.

Line 9 shows us exactly what environmental racism looks like, from Aamjiwnaang to Jane & Finch – telling us that bodies of colour and Indigenous bodies are expendable for the larger project of profit. Line 9 is but expanded infrastructure to move the Athabasca tar sands eastward – it is an embodiment of the slow industrial genocide that is being committed by TransCanada, Enbridge, Suncor, and the Government of Canada, to name a few.

This deep rooted social disconnection from the land is fostered by the occupation of our Nations’ territories. The attack on Indigenous bodies and bodies of colour are but a glimpse into the functions of this White supremacist, settler-colonial death culture that seeks to consume, corrupt and conquer.

On March 19th, let us keep close the truth of the violence that is this pipeline: an apparatus of tar sands destruction that seeks to poison that which sustains us and those faces not yet born. On this day we will be connected with each other in struggle as we fill our hearts with love for the wild and carry inside us a hunger for justice. March 19th Take Action Against Line 9!

 We are requesting solidarity actions by friends in struggle who share Enbridge as a common enemy – from the West to the East, Enbridge’s toxic tendrils are an affront on Indigenous Sovereignty and the health of all of Creation.


Only you, your community and your affinity groups know what action is best to take in your area. Get in touch with us if you want to confirm an action. #Line9IndustrialGenocide

Be safe, be strong!

Keep your ear to the ground, because there are more battles ahead. Stop the beast! #NoLine9 #NoEnergyEast

A Look Back: Indigenous Resistance in 2013

Reclaim Turtle Island is dedicated to spreading the word on the Indigenous Insurrection in 2014, and we look forward to continue to lift up one another’s voices on the frontlines against colonial-capitalism, reservation apartheid and industrial genocide. Please support our crowdfunding initiative so we can get the basic equipment needed to continue to produce Indigenous-led grassroots media, and continue production on several exciting upcoming projects.



All across Turtle Island and around the world Indigenous peoples are taking direct action to protect their lands by any means necessary. Together we are resisting colonialism by defeating corporate Imperialism, preventing resource extraction, asserting our sovereignty, and fighting White supremacy and legacies of racism. So much has happened and Indigenous peoples are rising up!

Below is a brief synopsis of Land Defense and Sovereigntist struggles across Turtle Island that burned bright this 2013. It is in no particular order and by no means complete. From disrupting tar sands megaloads and pipelines infrastructure, to mining blockades, logging blockades, kicking out Nazis, rescuing our kidnapped children, continued Idle No More demonstrations and reclaiming territories, our spirits of survival and responsibility are so strong.

If there is one thing we can take away from 2013: everywhere our people are fiercely fighting colonial expansion and resource extraction. We are rejuvenating our cultures, our languages, and our lifeways. It is through asserting our relationships to our territories that we gain strength. #2014WarriorUp

Special shout out to Warrior Publications for cataloguing so much of our peoples’ resistance.

Algonquin’s of Barriere Lake erect Land Protection camps to stop logging and deforestation in their unceded territories. Algonquin peoples haulted logging equipment and forced the occupying government body (Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources) to stop development as they continue to monitor their territory and seek to hold the illegal colonial Ministry accountable.

Members of Umatilla Nation and supporters stop tar sands megaloads from reaching the Umatilla port. Delaying the megaload transportation by several days, Indigenous peoples and supporters stood in solidarity against tar sands genocide.

Unist’ot’en Clan of Wetsu’wet’en Nation, affirm their sovereignty and resistance to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. In their 4th year in reclaimed territory – effectively stopping roughly 8 proposed pipelines (both tar sands and fracked gas) – the Unist’ot’en camp announced continued resistance to the Northern Gateway despite unlawful colonial approval from National Energy Board.  View full statement here.

Secwepemc stop TransKanada HWY expansion and protect their Ancestor’s remains. Secwepemc people established a Sacred Fire and evicted TransKanada workers who had unearthed resting places of their Ancestors.

#Elsipogtog blockades against SWN, explodes in RCMPig raid, unites Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and settlers against fracking. Mi’kmaq erect rolling blockades (3 separate highways), seize seismic testing equipment, and continue anti-fracking resistance. Oct. 17th RCMPigs raid the site, video here. Court Updates: 6 Warriors were held without trial, as Prisoners of War, and were  assaulted by police and put into solitary confinement. 2 received bail. Of the remaining 4, Coady Stevens plead guilty to 1 count assault police, 2 counts obstruct police and 1 count of uttering threats to an officer and has been released. Jim Pictou also entered a guilty plea for 1 count each of uttering threats to officer, mischief, not keeping the peace, obstruction at large, assault with bear spray, and uttering threat to a police dog and has been released. Aaron Francis and Germain “Junior” Breau have entered not guilty pleas to 16 and 19 charges respectively. They have both been denied access to spiritual practices and Junior has been targeted for solitary confinement. Trials coming this spring.

Write a Warrior:
Aaron Francis | Germain “Junior” Breau
435 Lino Rd
Shediac, NB
E4P 0H6

Tsilhqot’in and Yunesit’in stop forestry vehicles and equipment across their territory. Tsilhqot’in and Yunesit’in peoples blocked highway access stopping Tolko and West Fraser illegal logging operations, protecting territorial forests and moose habitats.

Innu communities in Nitassinan territory stage blockades against Hydro-Québec construction under Plan Nord development plans. The blockades followed the continuation of the construction project despite Hydro-Québec making a show of saving colonial face with Innu communities in Uashat and Mani-Utenam.

Lubicon Cree tell Penn West Petroleum to frack off. The Cree of Lubicon Lake enforced their Laws against PENN WEST PETROLEUM LTD on an oil lease site located in their territory by occupying a nearby access road.

Red Lake Chippewa Blockade Enbridge Pipeline.  Nizhawendaamin Indaakiminaan, a group of grassroots Anishinaabe from Red Lake and supporters, occupied land directly over multiple Enbridge pipelines operating without permits on Red Lake lands in occupied-Minnesota, and demanded that the flow of oil through these pipelines be stopped.

Direct Action Shuts Down First U$ Tar Sands Mine in the occupied territories of Utah. Dine’ Land Defenders, Lakota Warriors, and supporters, including a Land Defender of the Yagua Nation, shut down the tar sands mining site in so-called Utah, and the corporation’s (U$ Oil – actually a Kanadian company) stock dropped 13% on day of action. Footage from this action is featured in our film Kahstastenhsera. @uneditedmedia @peacefuluprising  . Dine’ land defenders are working towards a sovereignty camp, you can support this initiative here.

Tahltan Protect Sacred Sites and Takeover Mine to Shut Down Fortune Minerals.  Members of the Tahltan Nation order workers off of a Sacred Site being explored for the purpose of exploitation and desecration by Fortune Minerals. Tahltan peoples, lead by Elders part of the Klabona Keepers, take over the site, protecting their Sacred Headwaters and establish a blockade to prevent illegal mining of their territories. For more checkout: http://skeenawatershed.com/ , http://sacredheadwaters.ca/

Tahltan Shut Down Fortune Minerals

Tahltan Shut Down Fortune Minerals

Tsleil-Waututh Nation assert traditional lifeways, protest Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. Members of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation brought out traditional canoes to protest pipeline expansion as they sail through waters now occupied by Marine Terminals and supertankers.

Thunderchild First Nation stand up for Sundance grounds against fracking exploration. Cree peoples from Thunderchild First Nation opposed seismic testing adjacent to their Sundance grounds, but face legal challenges from the Indian Act systems and colonial courts.

Tar Sands Megaloads blocked by members of the Niimíipu Nation (Nez Perce). Niimíipu Elders, mothers, children, community members and their supporters block the highway where tar sands megaloads seek to pass as  20 people were arrested.

Niimíipu Nation members lead blockade against tar sands megaloads

Niimíipu Nation members lead blockade against tar sands megaloads

Sinixt Nation assert their sovereignty in the face of colonial erasure. Sinixt Nation establish a reclamation site for cultural practices and call for support in the wake of Colonial forces denying their existence and occupying their territories. Full statement from the Sinixt Nation. Check out: http://sinixtnation.org

Lakota & Dakota Grandmothers Kick Out Nazi Scumbags! Hundreds of Lakota & Dakota peoples and their supporters lead by Grandmothers asserted their sovereignty by protecting their territories from White supremacists in a small-settler town outside of the reserve. Stand off between Warriors and Grandmothers against members of the Nationalist Socialist Movement resulted in the confiscation of the Nazi flag and continued confrontations to squash Nazi scumbag organizing on stolen lands! Full story.

Lakota & Dakota Grandma's Seize Nazi Flag !

Lakota & Dakota Grandma’s Seize Nazi Flag !

Lakota fight White KKKlay genocidal chemical warfare. Lakota Warriors, Elders, youth, and supporters stop illegal activities on their territories, combating chemical warfare known as alcohol. Lakota and supporters march on White Clay, NE to stop illegal activity by bar owners. Illegal activities include: Selling to intoxicated & minors, allowing drinking on offsale property, bartering for pornography & Sexual Favors and offering welfare checks debt for alcohol to name a few.

Saugeen territory reclaimed. An Anishinaabe-kwe reclaims Saugeen territory from Crown occupation and builds her own home along her traditional trapline.

Innu protect stolen children, barricade windows of Family Serviecs Office. Innu people barricaded the windows and blockaded  the office of Sheshatshui Child, Youth, and Family Services, demanding the return of kidnapped children, including 30 children recently taken.

Gitga’at First Nation evicts Northern Gateway crew conducting spill response survey.  An Enbridge survey crew trespassed on Gitga’at territory, and after a meeting were told to leave.  Members of the Gitga’at Nation have said they will not allow tankers to pass their territory.

Anishinaabe of Aamjiwnaang disrupt pro-Tar Sands Conference and stand up against the “Chemical Valley”. Lead by Anishinaabe-kwe’s, youth and Elders, Aamjiwnaang community members and supporters rallied against environmental racism, standing up against new development in the “Chemical Valley” and shut down the  pro-tar sands conference. Support: http://aamjiwnaangsolidarity.com/

Inuit of socalled Labrador oppose Hydro Project, arrested asserting Sovereignty.  Eight Inuit people including elder James Learning were arrested for asserting their inherent responsibilities over their traditional territories.  They are fighting the Muskrat Fall Hydroelectric project that will disrupt their hunting, fishing, and trapping grounds.

Dakelh people from Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation (Burns Lake) blockade Band Office, evicted by RCMPigs.  Three adults and one child were removed from the Burns Lake Indian Band offices by 50 RCMP officers with shotguns and riot gear. The protesters had blockaded themselves in the building after hearing of shady financial transactions by local Indian Act Officials.

Attawapiskat launches multiple fierce and effective blockades against De Beers Diamond Mine, causing “irreparable financial damages”.  Anishinaabe community members of Attawapiskat hit De Beers mine with a road blockade, and another blockade shortly after in order to halt operations and stop the exploitation of their lands and peoples.

#INM National Day of Action springs multiple rail blockades across Klanada. Border crossings, passenger train and commercial freight lines were stalled, blocked and halted by Indigenous peoples from across Klanada as part of Idle No More calls to action.

Haudenosaunee from Six Nations of the Grand River embark on caravan of protection, hitting over half a dozen wind turbine sites, asserting themselves over their treaty territory. Six Nations community members stood up against illegal development their territory, as a wind-turbine companies (NextEra Energy Kanada and Capital Power Corp) displaced the nest of an Akwek’s (Eagle) family.

Grassy Narrows community continues to fight logging, mercury poisoning, & more. A march lead by Grassy Anishinaabe-Kwe’s  raises awareness about violence against Indigenous women, as the community celebrate the 11th anniversary of the clearcut blockade and continues campaigns of resistance against new plans to resume clear-cut logging in their territory. Support: http://freegrassy.net

Racist newspaper letter sparks protest and backlash in occupied Suneymuxw territory, socalled Nanaimo, BC.  The Nanaimo Daily News posted a racist letter laced with hate speech and ignorance against Indigenous peoples.  A protest lead  by Suneymuxw First Nation people and supported by the community demanded the firing of the paper’s Editor and a front page apology.

Innu continue resistance to Plan Nord, maintain blockades and plan for future actions. People of the Innu Nation continue to protect Nitassinan, their traditional territory, against Quebec plans for energy infrastructure including hydro dams which will devastate the natural balance of the lands, waters and impact the practices of traditional lifeways.

Imperial Metals AGM shut down by Neskonlith, Secwepemc, Ahousaht and Nuu Chah Nulth peoples! Protectors from Neskonlith, Secwepemc, Ahousaht and Nuu Chah Nulth Nations asserted their collective sovereignty to defend their lands by condemning Imperial Metals stating their are not welcome. Support Ahousaht sovereignty: http://ancestralpride.ca/ Ancestral Pride

Journey for the Earth Walkers embark on A Sacred Journey for Future Generations, follow the Nuclear Cycle. Cree, Dene, Metis and Anishinaabe walkers joined at different spots along the route and continued on deliver notices to GE-Hitachi, walk the nuclear fuel chain to stop uranium use. Support: Journey for the Earth

Aamjiwnaang 13-day rail blockade against CN rail. Just slipping into 2013, Kanadian National railines suffered financial loss as the Anishinaabe of Aamjiwnaang First Nation established a rail blockade as part of Idle No More, asserting their sovereignty and resisting the exploitation of Kanadian occupation and the impacts of Chemical Valley on their lands and peoples.

Mi’kmaq community members from Listuguj block Eastern railines. L’nu (Mi’kmaq) people erected a blockade of a main rail artery in protest of Omnibus Bill C-45, supporting Idle No More.

Dine’ peoples stand strong to protect their Sacred Sites and confront PeaBody Coal Mine from exploiting their lands and peoples. Several were arrested in street confrontations, including banner drops, at the PeaBody AGM as Dine’ (Navajo) community members from Black Mesa, joined by several groups of supporters condemned the PeaBody operation in support of Indigenous self-determination. Demonstrations were also held to further condemn PeaBody Coal’s desecration of Burial Sites on Black Mesa, as well as ongoing campaigns to Protect the Sacred Peaks, to keep the ban on Uranium mining & push for cleanup, as part of the legacy of continued resistance against ongoing land theft within Dine’tah. Support: http://indigenousaction.org, http://protecthepeaks.org, http://supportblackmesa.org,

Kanien’keha:ka of Akwesasne takeover U$ / Kanadian border bridge in opposition to fracking. Kanien’keha:ka community members of Akwesasne seized a border crossing, firmly asserting their sovereignty in the midst of Imperial borders, sending a strong message to colonial occupiers about burgeoning Haudenosaunee resistance to fracking on our territories.

#ShutDownCanada call to support Mi’kmaq Warriors see’s international actions. SWN CEOs lawn demo’s, major commerce Port shutdowns, rail and highway blockades, banner drops and more actions poured in from europe, across Klanada and the U$ in support of Elsipogtog resistance to fracking.

Lubicon Lake Nation Standing Strong Against Fraudulent Election, Demands Aboriginal Affairs Cease Assimilation Tactics in Nation. Lubicon Cree traditional leadership condemns the Imperial tactics of Indian Act governance, charging Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AAND-C) with interfering with sovereign affairs and firmly rejecting Indian Act calls for elections.


#Oct7Proclaim Idle No More Day of Action sparks over 50 actions globally. Including rallies, highway blockades and the delivery of an Eviction Notice from Mi’kmaq Warriors  to SWN headquarters to occupied Houston, TX, actions ignited across Turtle Island in spite of the 250 years of the Crowns colonial lies.

Moccasins on the Ground, Direct Action training camp in Lakota territory.  Lakota warriors, community members and supporters participated in training communities along the Keystone XL pipeline route. Everyone was encouraged to warrior up for Unci Maka. The Lakota have made it clear TransCanada is not welcome on their Treaty territory.

Cree walkers arrive in unceded Algonquin territory, so-called Ottawa on Idle No More trek.  Cree youth from the community of Whapmagoostui and their supporters walked 1,600 miles from their community near so-called  James Bay, QC to unceded Algonquin territory in so-called Ottawa, in support of the Idle No More Movement.

Why we call them RCMPigs: Mounties raped and abused West-Coast Indigenous women and girls. Feb 14th Annual Memorial Marches Continue.  Human Rights Watch investigations in 10 Indigenous communities have found that RCMPigs are and have historically rape and abused Indigenous women and girls. Women and girls have gone missing so frequently on HWY 16 in occupied-British Columbia that the road it is called The Highway of Tears. Across Klanada, on Feb14th there is an annual march to commemorate missing and murdered Indigenous women. Support: http://womensmemorialmarch.wordpress.com/, http://familiesofsistersinspirit.com/

Campaign against racist slurs puts the R-word under heat. Across Turtle Island rallies of hundreds of people have come together to protest the continuation of the use of the R-word in football and sports teams. One such campaign was successful in occupied Algonquin territories, of so-called Nepean, ON where DJ NDN from A Tribe Called Red was successful in pressuring a name change of the local football team.

RCMPig cars burned after violent police raid Oct. 17th, 2013 Elsipogtog

RCMPig cars burned after violent police raid Oct. 17th, 2013 Elsipogtog

Innu Land Defender Mateo Du Pekuakami Released

Mateo speaking at a rally in Tiotiah:ke, occupied Haudenosaunee Territory (Montreal, QC)

Mateo speaking at a rally in Tiotiah:ke, occupied Haudenosaunee Territory (Montreal, QC)

Mateo Du Pekuakami has been released from the custody of the Israel police and has been banned from the West Bank. Fellow arrestee, who is European, has been charged with assualting a police officer. An account from the International Solidarity Movement can be read here. More details to come.



[français suit]
Innu Land Defender and anti-colonial organizer Mateo Du Pekuakami, 24, from the community of Mashteuiatsh has been arrested in the occupied territories of Palestine by Israel’s police. Mateo is a member of the Wâbak Collective, and has been involved in organizing against the Line 9 tar sands pipeline and Plan Nord in his territories.

Mateo Du Pekuakami

Mateo Du Pekuakami

Statement from the Wâbak Collective,
“Mateo has been arrested by the Chosen People, with no valid declaration or motivations behind the arrest made by the Israeli Police. The members of the Wâbak Collective are scared for what’s going to happen next. Mateo is in the custody of the Israeli State according to a camrade who has recently been released from detention by the State of Israel. She was detained for declaring, at the frontiere, that she was there to support Palestinian children to rebuild their schools. We hope Mateo will be released by tomorrow morning but suspect he will be locked up in jail unless he is deported to Kanada. These deportations are financed by the imposed apartheid in Palestine”

The targeting of Indigenous organizer Mateo Du Pekuakami is a symptom of the imperialist agenda of Israel, in directly seeking to prevent the connection of anti-colonial struggles across contexts, across continents. Apartheid in Palestine was modeled off of apartheid in North Africa which takes it’s roots in the reservation apartheid system here in Turtle Island. The relocation and disposession of Indigenous peoples from our territories in the form of land theft is one of the primary functions of colonial structures, such as imposing Nation States like Israel and Kanada. Not only does the infrastructure of the State, and its citizens, benefit from the displacement and genocide of Indigenous peoples, but so do corporations which seek to seize resources and destroy territories. The militarized occupation of Palestinian territories by the Israeli State and the active displacement and murder of Palestinian peoples is what has facilitated the arrest of Mateo, and is only a small fraction of the reality of anti-colonial resistance and struggle for liberation in Palestine. The Israeli State is also targetting Black migrants using concentration camp tactics to promote White supremacy and further subjegate people of colour. Justice for migrants is tied directly to Indigenous soverignty to end relocation, White supremacy and the attack on racialized bodies.

Support Palestinian liberation! Solidarity against apartheid! End colonial occupation! Dismantle White supremacy!

Check out the Alternative Information Centre to stay updated on Palestianian liberation struggles and find ways to support.

Support Freedom4Refugees International Solidarity.

Follow us for updates on Mateo’s situation as well as information on anti-colonial resistance on Turtle Island. @defendourlands


Défenseur du terre Innu et organizateur anti-colonialiste Mateo Du Pekuami, 24, provenant du communauté Mashteuiatsh a été arrêté dans les territoires occupés de la Palestine par la police Israëli. Mateo est un membre du Collectif Wabak, et a été impliqué dans l’organisation contre le pipeline de sables bitumineux Line 9 et le Plan Nord dans ses territoires.

Dans un communiqué Wâbak Collective, “Mateo a été arrêté par le peuple élu aujourd’hui en palestine. Les autres membres du collectif wâbak sont inquièt.e.s, l’arrestation n’a aucun motif, aucune raison apparente , juste un power trip de l’état israelien d’arrêter un autochtone du Québec. Selon l’opinion d’une camarade qui a vécue l’expérience douanière et qui s’est faite arrêtée et mise en détention pour avoir dit qu’elle allait aider des jeunes palestinien.es à reconstruire des écoles, matéo devrait soit se faire libérer demain matin ou être détenu une semaine et puis se faire déporter. On a vu vla un mois, preuve à l’appui, un gaspésien filmer des militaires pointer leur fusils sur des enfants, ils l’Ont arrêtés évidement.”

Le ciblage de l’organisateur autochtone Mateo Du Pekuakami est un symptôme de l’ordre du jour impérialiste d’Israël, en cherchant directement pour empêcher la connexion des luttes anti-coloniales dans tous les contextes, à travers les continents. L’Apartheid en Palestine a été modélisé hors de l’apartheid en Afrique du Nord qui prend ses racines dans le système de l’apartheid de réservations à Turtle Island. Le déménagement et dépossession des peuples autochtones de nos territoires sous la forme de vol de la terre est l’une des principales fonctions de structures coloniales, comme l’imposition d’Etats comme Israël et Kanada. Non seulement l’État et ses citoyens profitent du déplacement et du génocide des peuples autochtones, mais surtout les entreprises qui cherchent à s’emparer des ressources et détruire les territoires. L’occupation militarisée des territoires palestiniens par l’Etat d’Israël et le déplacement et meurtre actif des peuples palestiniens est ce qui a facilité l’arrestation de Mateo, et il n’est q’une fraction de la réalité de la résistance anti-coloniale et de la lutte pour la libération de la Palestine. L’État d’Israël cible également les migrants noirs en utilisant des tactiques de camps de concentration pour la promotion de la suprématie blanche et asservir davantage les personnes de couleur. La justice pour les migrants est directement liée à la souveraineté autochtone pour mettre fin à la relocalisation, la suprématie blanche et l’attaque sur les corps racialisés.

Liberté pour Palestine! Solidarité contre l’apartheid! Fin aux occupations coloniales! Démantelez la suprématie blanche!

Veuillez consulter « Alternative Information Centre » pour d’autres infos sur la liberation Palestinien, et pour trouver des moyens de soutenir l’effort.

Soutenez « Freedom4Refugees solidarité internationale » .

Suivez-nous pour des mises-a-jour sur la situation de Mateo, ainsi que des info sur la résistance anti-colonial à Turtle Island. @defendourlands



smudge The colonial state strikes again. State repression against and the targeting of Mi’kmaq Warriors has escalated. The state is now denying 2 Mi’kmaq Warriors, Aaron Francis and Germain Jr Breau, access to spiritual practices. Aaron and Jr have been held in Kanadian custody without trial since the raid on Oct. 17th – just over 3 months.

A statement from Mi’kmaq Warrior Suzanne Patles, “I just came back from Southeast Regional Correctional Center in Shediac, New Brunswick to deliver some things for our men. I attempted to leave them sage so that they can smudge, seeing that since their incarceration they have only seen a spiritual helper once. Each request made by the men to be smudged by the helper, so that they may pray in their traditional manner, has been denied by the facility. They did not allow me to leave them sage and stated that they do not allow ‘that’ in their facility. Human rights violations? Yes. Desecration of their Indigenous spirituality? Yes. Prisoners at other facilities have been able to have their own bundles. They hold them as political prisoners of war, and deny them their right to be Indigenous. Something needs to be done.”

With your help, Junior was released from solitary confinement! Together we can make our voices heard. Flood the phones and let the jail know that the Warriors’ have support and this treatment must not continue!

CALL SUPERINTENDENT JONAH BRIAN – Demand jailed warriors Aaron Fancis and Germaine Jr Breau have access to spiritual practices! (506) 532-7885

Also contact:

New Brunswick Premier, David Alward: 506 453 2144


  • All Indigenous peoples jailed by the state have access to spiritual practices
  • Release of Aaron Francis and Germain Junior Breau, Mi’kmaq Warriors, Land Defenders and Prisoners of War
  • Mi’kmaq inherent and treaty rights and title be respected by the Province
  • A complete moratorium on shale gas exploration

Federal Minister of Justice, Peter McKay: 613 992 6022


  • End systemic discrimination against Indigenous peoples in the Prison Injustice System
  • All Indigenous peoples jailed by the state have access to spiritual practices
  • Release of Aaron Francis and Germain Junior Breau, Mi’kmaq Warriors, Land Defenders and Prisoners of War


Aaron Francis and Germain “Junior” Breau

435 Lino Rd
Shediac, NB
E4P 0H6

Support Grassy Narrows – No Mercury No Logging

Ontario is set to approve plans for another decade of clearcut logging in Grassy Narrows against their will.

Please speak out against this terrible plan before the decision on Dec. 23.

We have a short time window this week to influence this decision before Ontario’s position becomes fully entrenched and the conflict becomes more difficult to resolve. This effort is in support of and an action alongisde an 11 yr blockade in Grassy Narrows territory against clearcuts.
Peer reviewed science has found that clearcut logging in the boreal forest raises mercury levels in local fish above the safe limit for human consumption.  New logging will prolong and exacerbate the tragedy of mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows – a tragedy that was first seared into the national consciousness in the 1970’s.
Please consider taking the following actions:
1.  Email the decision makers here  http://freegrassy.net/mercury-action-alert/
2.  Forward this email to your lists, friends, family, and colleagues.
3.  Post about this on facebook, twitter, and other social media.
4.  Change your facebook cover and image to one of the images at the bottom of this page.
5.  Prepare to take further action if this decision goes the wrong way.
Thanks for your ongoing support for Grassy Narrows.
For more information go to freegrassy.net

#LockDownLine9: Toronto activists lock down to equipment at Enbridge Line 9 river crossing

Rising Tide Toronto #LockDownLine9 December 3, 2013

(Toronto, ON) Members of Rising Tide Toronto have locked down to equipment at an Enbridge Line 9 river crossing, effectively halting construction. This construction is taking place before the NEB has approved this pipeline reversal project.

This action, taking place on Mississauga New Credit territory, was done in solidarity with Indigenous sovereigntist and environmental justice struggles across Turtle Island. All First Nations Band Councils who participated in the hearings urged the reversal not be granted. Amidst outstanding land claims, there has been absolutely no consultation with any Indigenous communities along the route of Line 9.

The reversal of Enbridgeʼs Line 9 pipeline would allow the oil industry to continue to supply markets with tar sands bitumen, expanding a slow industrial genocide against Indigenous peoples.

The Line 9 reversal continues to lay waste to the natural world, devastating ecosystems, while further laying claim to Indigenous territories. This project poses an unacceptable risk to all waterways, land bases, and communities along its route.

The community of Aamjiwnaang First Nation is surrounded by the petro-chemical industry and are put in danger due to their proximity to toxic refineries in Southern Ontarioʼs Chemical Valley. This pipeline reversal is part of a legacy of environmental racism that is upheld by the relationship between the Canadian state and resource extractive industries.

Aamjiwnaang and Sarnia Against Pipelines, which is a coalition of Anishinaabek people from Aamjiwnaang and settlers from Sarnia issued the following statement.

“We are at risk with Chemical Valley and we want to protect our Mother Earth and our limited fresh water. Itʼs putting people, wildlife, and depleting medicine at risk. We are not in support of the expanding Tar Sands. The fear factor of cancer and sickness is growing in our communities with of the impacts of Chemical Valley and Line 9,” says the statement from ASAP.

While continuing the severe environmental impacts of tar sands extraction in Dene, Cree, and Chippewyan communities, Line 9 contributes to the direct downstream impact by refineries such as Suncor in Haudenosaunee territory. Pumping tar sands bitumen through Aamjiwnaang only furthers their community health risks around dangerous cancers and respiratory illnesses.

“The need to take direct action as Indigenous and allied communities to defend what future we have left is now.“ states Vanessa Gray, Anishinaabe-kwe from Aamjiwnaang and a member of ASAP, “This project represents the ecological genocide that is being continued by the Harper government, on behalf of the state of Canada, to push their economic benefit at the expense of all future generations.”

The current construction, necessary for Enbridgeʼs pipeline reversal, is an audacious act of development that undermines the self-determination of Indigenous Nations.

“We are the land.” says Amanda Lickers, a Haudenosaunee member of the Turtle Clan. “This assault by industrial capitalism on our territories is also an assault on our bodies, on our peoples, our lifeways, and our Nations. Canada is covered in the blood of Indigenous peoples, from international mining to domestic petroleum production.”

Line 9 directly puts every major tributary that flows into Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River, as well as two of the largest cities in Canada, in danger. This pipeline is part of the capitalist-fueled agenda of resource extraction, which not only impacts Indigenous peoples and communities most directly, but all peoples.

As we have seen in Miʼkmaq territory in Elsipogtog, the Canadian state is willing to enforce the violation of treaties and to protect corporate exploitation of land at gun point.

Direct action is the most effective way to resist the physical reality of environmental contamination, by targeting pipeline construction and other economic infrastructure.

“Immediate and serious action is absolutely necessary to confront the environmental, political and social violence that has resulted from Canadaʼs oil dependent economy. As a settler, putting my body on the line – literally – is nothing short of honouring the treaties.” states Alice, a member of Rising Tide Toronto.

Together letʼs build a culture of resistance. Our movements can and must support and engage in effective, on the ground, front line action.


Emergency Day of Action – Solidarity for #Elsipogtog


A message from the HWY 11 Land Defenders:

“We are not giving up despite these harsh weather conditions, sacrificing time with our families, our jobs, our homes, not only to protect land, water and people but to ensure a brighter future for the next 7 generations. We are asking for more support, through road blocks to be in solidarity. This is not just an Elsipogtog issue, this is a global issue and we need to raise awareness. Show us support any way possible, sending thank you’s, road blocks, banners, even dropping by, all and every type of support is appreciated.”

ElsipogtogThe 3rd encampment in Mi’kmaq Territory, at HWY 11, which saw stand off’s between the Mi’kmaq peoples protecting the water and RCMP protecting corporate interests, is requesting widespread global support.

The Provincial Court of New Brunswick has approved an injunction which names 5 people, including “Jane” and “John Doe”, to target the HWY 11 encampment. This encampment has successfully turned away SWN vehicles and is preventing SWN from conducting seismic testing on unceded Mi’kmaq lands. Each day that SWN cannot conduct its testing, it costs the company $54, 000. SWN is once again looking to the RCMP to enforce the injunction most recently granted. At this time, the RCMP have used the injunction to target the Mi’kmaq and have set up a “check point” on HWY 11, where the RCMP stop vehicles to arrest passengers and drivers at their whim.

We remember the last time the RCMP enforced an injunction against the Mi’kmaq people. As seen historically, the RCMP will continue to enforce the violation of treaties and attack Indigenous self-determination. At this time, the RCMP are not only harassing Mi’kmaq Land Defenders and non-Native supporters, but continuing to throw them in jail. On Thursday, November 28th the Mi’kmaq again turned SWN away – declaring another day of victory. They are standing up against brutal police repression, and continued theft of Indigenous lands and ongoing colonization. Show them they are not alone!
On Monday Dec. 2nd HWY 11 Land Defenders are asking you to show your solidarity by taking action in your community. Where possible, highway shutdowns are encouraged however any action of support, such as banner drops, are welcome. #ShutDownCanada


Día de Acción de Emergencia – Solidaridad con #Elsipogtog

Un mensaje de los Defensores de la Tierra en la Autopista 11:

“No estamos cediendo a pesar del duro estado de tiempo, sacrificando pasar tiempo con nuestras familias, nuestros trabajos, nuestras casas, no sólo para proteger la tierra, el agua, y el pueblo, sino para asegurar un futuro más prometedor para las próximas siete generaciones. Estamos pidiendo más apoyo por los bloqueos de carretera para estar en solidaridad. Este asunto no es sólo de Elsipogtog, es un asunto mundial y necesitamos concientizar al mundo de esto. Demuestren su apoyo con nosotros de cualquiera manera posible, mandar agradecimientos, bloqueos de carretera, pancartas, incluso visitarnos, todo tipo de apoyo estará agradecido.”

El tercer campamento en el Territorio de los Mi’kmaq, en la Autopista 11, donde ha ocurrido los enfrentamientos entre el pueblo Mi’kmaq protegiendo el agua y el RCMP (Policía Montado Canadiense Real) protegiendo los intereses de las corporaciones, está pidiendo el apoyo mundial a nivel general.

El Tribunal Provincial de New Brunswick ha aprobado un mandamiento judicial que nombra 5 personas, incluso “Jane” y “John Doe”, para fijar como objetivo al campamento de la Autopista 11. El campamento ha bloqueado con éxito el paso de los vehículos de SWN y está impidiendo la conducta de pruebas sísmicas por SWN en las tierras no cedidas de los Mi’kmaq. Cada día en que SWN no puede conducir sus pruebas, la compañía pierde $540,000. SWN está pidiendo de nuevo a el RCMP que haga cumplir el mandamiento más reciente cedido por el Tribunal. A esta hora, el RCMP ha utilizado el mandamiento para fijar los Mi’kmaq como objetivo y ha establecido un punto de control en la Autopista 11, donde los RCMP pueden parar los vehículos y detener a los conductores y pasajeros cuando quieran.

Recordamos la última vez en que el RCMP hizo cumplir un mandamiento contra el pueblo Mi’kmaq. Como hemos visto históricamente, el RCMP continuará imponiendo la violación de los tratados y atacando la autodeterminación Indígena. A esta hora, los RCMP no sólo están hostilizando los Mi’kmaq Defensores de la Tierra y los aliados no Indígenas, sino están siguiendo encarcelarlos. El jueves, 28 de noviembre los Mi’kmaq bloquearon el paso de SWN otra vez – declarando un día más de victoria. Se están levantando contra la represión brutal de la policía, y el robo de tierras Indígenas y la colonización que siguen en desarrollo. ¡Demuestren a ellos que no están solos!

El lunes, 2 de diciembre, los Defensores de la Tierra de la Autopista 11 piden que ustedes demuestren su solidaridad a fuerza de actuar en su comunidad. Donde sea posible, animamos los cierres de autopistas; sin embargo, cualquiera acción de apoyo, como dejar caer una pancarta, nos alegraría. #ShutDownCanada



Urgence : Journée d’action- Solidarité avec #Elsipogtog

Un message des résistant-e-s de HWY 11 :

« Nous n’abdiquons pas en dépit des conditions météos difficiles, du temps sacrifié loin de nos familles, de nos jobs et de nos maisons, pas seulement pour protéger la terre, l’eau et les gens mais aussi pour garantir un meilleur avenir pour les 7 prochaines générations. Nous demandons plus de support, plus de blocages en solidarité. Ceci ne concerne pas qu’Elsipogtog, c’est un enjeu global : nous devons éveiller les consciences. Démontrez nous votre support de toutes les façons possibles, envoyez nous des messages, bloquez des routes, déployez des bannières, venez même nous voir, n’importe quel type de support est apprécié. »

Le troisième campement en territoire Mi’kmaq, à HWY 11, lequel a vu les confrontations entre les Mi’kmaq qui protègent leur eau et la Gendarmerie Royale Canadienne (GRC) qui protège les intérêts corporatifs demande un support répandu et global.

La cour provinciale du Nouveau Brunswick a approuvé une injonction qui identifie 5 personnes, incluant “Jane” et “John Doe”, afin de cibler le campement HWY 11. Ce campement a repoussé avec succès les véhicules de SWN et a empêché la compagnie de réaliser les tests sismiques sur des terres Mi’kmaq non-cédées. Chaque jour que SWN n’arrive pas à faire ses tests, la compagnie perd 54 000$. SWN essaie encore une fois de forcer l’injonction qui lui a été accordé. À tout moment, la GRC a utilisé l’injonction pour cibler les Mi’kmaq et ont mis en place un point de contrôle sur HWY 11, où ils arrêtent les véhicules, passagers et conducteurs.

Rappelons-nous de la dernière fois que la GRC a fait appliquer une injonction contre le peuple Mi’kmaq. Comme le montre l’histoire, la GRC va continuer d’assurer la violation des traités et d’attaquer les droits d’autodétermination des autochtones. En ce moment, la GRC ne fait pas qu’harceler les résistant-e-s Mi’kmaq et leurs supporteurs non-autochtones, mais continue à les jeter en prison. Le jeudi 28 novembre, les Mi’kmaq ont encore une fois repoussé SWN, déclarant un autre jour victorieux. Ils sont en train de confronter la brutalité de la part de la police, et continue a voler les terres des pays autochtones et continuent le processus de colonization. Montrons leurs qu’ elles-ils ne sont pas seul-e-s!

Ce lundi 2 décembre, les résistant-e-s de HWY 11 vous demandent de démontrer votre solidarité en agissant dans vos communautés. Là où possible, nous encourageons à bloquer les autoroutes. Tous les types d’action sont bienvenues. #ShutDownCanada

Germain “Junior” Breau Released from Solitary Confinement

UPDATE: Germain “Junior” Breau was released from solitary confinment and his loved ones heard from him this morning. He is still staying strong, although remains a political prisoner of war, held without trial in prison.

Write to the jailed Mi’kmaq Warriors:

Coady Stevens   /   Aaron Francis   /   Germain (Junior) Beault   /   James Pictou

435 Lino Rd
Shediac, NB
E4P 0H6